Those Who Pray comes straight from 1 Peter 3:8-18. It's an exhortation to believers to continue in the example of Christ, to do good to those who may not des...
Work of Art is a discovery and declaration of who we are within creation. We do not belong to ourselves, we belong to God. We are His handy work. He made us ...
"City of Hope" is about our home in Heaven, it's about having hope in a better future, and it is about the understanding that we have a common bond with all fellow believers across the globe and all generations. Ultimately, it is about placing our hope in Jesus and looking forward to our homecoming with Him in heaven.
Stand Strong is about keeping our promises and being devoted to our commitments. It's about being faithful and trustworthy, and a reminder to place your trust in Jesus Christ, the most faithful one of all. I hope this song inspires you to keep going when your circumstances get tough.
I wrote this song just before my first child was born, as I imagined what becoming a father was going to be like. I thought of how utterly dependent an infant is on his or her parents. A newborn is totally and completely reliant upon a caregiver for everything.
I wrote "You Can Be Love" on a September day in 2015. The sun was shining and the autumn colors were starting to come out. I was taking a walk through Decker Cemetery near Blanchard Michigan. As I slowly and reverently passed each row of grave stones I read the names and studied the dates of births and deaths.
I wrote this song inspired by Psalm 111. I imagine Heaven being one huge, never ending worship festival and our time here on earth is like the rehearsal before the concert. I've played this song in church and at my concerts for several years and it always gets me motivated to praise God!!
I wrote this song just before my first child was born, as I imagined what becoming a father was going to be like. I thought of how utterly dependent an infant is on his or her parents. A newborn is totally and completely reliant upon a caregiver for everything.